In what proved to be the most competitive international
tournament of the year in terms of countries represented, Canada regained
the winning form that earned two International Championships in 2002 and
2003, defeating France 6-4 in the final game to take the gold medals. Six
teams representing four countries entered the event, which was played in a
single day prior to the Sixth Annual Autumn Cup. The teams were divided into
two divisions, with Canada, Dublin Obelisk, and Gervais-Lilas in one, and
France, Dublin Phoenix, and Scotland in the other.
Canada began play with an 11-1 win over Dublin Obelisk,
while France got off to an even more impressive start with a 16-0 victory
over Dublin Phoenix. In the second set of games, Gervais-Lilas got by Dublin
Obelisk, 8-5, while Johnstone added to Dublin Phoenix's misery 15-0. Despite
the relative ease of their win over Dublin Obelisk, Canada had all kinds
of trouble with Gervais-Lilas, just eking out a 10-9 victory to advance to
the final. France had an easier time with Scotland, posting a 10-4 margin.
Canada edged France 6-4 for the gold medals, while
Gervais-Lilas edged Scotland 4-3 for the bronze. Dublin Obelisk edged Dublin
Phoenix 5-3 for fifth place.
A Group
France 16, Dublin Phoenix 0
Scotland 15, Dublin Phoenix 0
France 10, Scotland 4
B Group
Canada 11, Dublin Obelisk 1
Gervais-Lilas 8, Dublin Obelisk 5
Canada 10, Gervais-Lilas 9
For 5th Place: Dublin Obelisk 5, Dublin Phoenix 3
For Bronze Medals: Gervais-Lilas 4, Scotland 3
For Gold Medals: Canada 6, France 4
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